Thursday, May 17, 2007

I did manage to finish up Eiffel - at least knitting-wise. I've seamed the thing, but have yet to block it.

In general, I'm pleased. The stitches aren't as even as my usual work, but I think that has much to do with the inflexibility of the hemp. Hopefully blocking and stretching and stuff will help. The Bee likes it, which is what counts.

I made up a version of Vegan Fox using different colors. What can I say? Mom asked for a Skunk. I need to sew a nose on it - and place the eyes, but it's done.

Today on my needles I've got the ever-popular "Lizard Ridge" as well as Pomotomus. The latter gave me a headache at first, but ever-so-slowly we're making amends. I love the pattern. No wonder so many folks work this one up!

I've also got the Christmas stocking project (commissioned) and will do Fuzzy Feet (commissioned) when I can locate all my 10 1/2 dpns! Oh... and I started a Clapotis using the Boutone nb that I picked up before Christmas.

All in all, happy and knitting!

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