Sunday, August 03, 2008

Technology woes....

I know I promised pics earlier... but, the laptop died - got a new one - lost the camera cord - didn't have the driver needed to upload.... and now Blogger is giving me grief in uploading pics.
First, the Icarus:

The current WIP is a flowerbasket shawl in silver... I'll post pics when Blogger decides to be more cooperative!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay... so I promise that I've been knitting. I finished the Icarus actually. It's the camera thing. Oh.. and the laptop died.

Yeah, I know. Excuses.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Feeling accomplished!

Three projects finished - A Dragon Scarf for Mom; A Tweed Beret for me; Ice Queen for me!

Monday, February 25, 2008


75% done!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bad Blogger Revisited

The post-holiday season bit me bad. It's been so hard to motivate myself to do much of anything. I was sick for a number of weeks, and now I'm playing catchup with all sorts of stuff. Oy.

As for knitting? Knitting continues to bring me sanity in the chaos. It's as if every little looped stitch is a promise that order can exist in this universe of mine, and that I can indeed create that order one stitch at a time.

After a year of knitting almost nothing for myself... literally... I've decided that 2008 is the year of the ME. I'm working on finishing up some projects that I've started (Secret of Chrysopolis is #1 on my list) and my hope is to wear down some of the stash that I've built up. I've also decided that the first part of this year will be the year of lace and socks. ;-)

Pics soon!