Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I'm obviously insane.

I've joined, not one, but TWO mystery stole groups.

What can I say? I don't do well with temptation.

I'm working on "Secret of Chrysopolis" and in spite of spending quite a bit of time in the frog pond, I'm enjoying myself. Clues are published every Friday (my day off!) so this one will progress rather quickly.

The other KAL is "Secret of the Stole" which begins on the 5th.

Of course, there's still much Christmas knitting that also needs to happen, and well, I work. Really. But.... oh, the knitterly goodness!

The other excitement in life is that Rhinebeck is just a couple of weeks away. :::smiles:::: I'm so looking forward to this event. BFF, Connie, will be driving in from the Binghamton area so that we can make strange sounds at the sheep and fondle the fleece and yarn. I have no budget for this at this point... but I'm going anyway!

Such a rebellious life, no?

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