Thursday, December 13, 2007

The original:

The copies:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

:::dance of joy::::

You know how you have those projects that hang over your head - taunting you - that you've learned to absolutely hate?

Well, take one of those projects, and multiply it by three - and add in that it is a commisssioned affair. What you end up with is my angst these last few months.

The projects were (notice the past tense!) Christmas stockings. A good friend's grandmother used to make these stockings for all the children, and then their spouses, and then their children. Although there was some variation in the colors due to different yarn choices, the stockings were all the same. This fine lady passed away a few years ago, and since her passing, several new grandchildren (and a new spouse!) were included into the family.

My job? To make stockings for them based on one of the originals.

I tried my darndest to infuse these stockings with the same amount of love an affection that the original knitter obviously did, but I learned a few things.

1) I hate colorwork.
2) I hate colorwork.
3) I hate colorwork.

I had done some smaller projects - but these three stockings each measure appx. 2 ft in length, and in some sections, the colorwork is a-plenty.

I also learned that I really don't like knitting on commission. Part of it, I'm sure, was having a deadline. In my life, I have so many deadlines that adding one to my hobby was not the best of ideas.

Anyway, I'm free!! (Pics to come)

Monday, November 12, 2007


I'll confess - I'm an ambitious knitter. Every year I begin with the idea that I will accomplish so many Christmas gifts, etc. by a certain day....

...only to face the reality of mid-November and pure panic.

I've made some adjustments to my "plan", and it might be do-able. Well, it would be do-able if I didn't need to work or sleep.


Next year, I'm not making any gifts for anyone. I'm making stuff for Me. ME. Mememememe! For instance, I started "The Secret of Chrysopolis" stole. In January? I finish it. So there.

(Slap me next year when I make the exact same post, k?)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I'm obviously insane.

I've joined, not one, but TWO mystery stole groups.

What can I say? I don't do well with temptation.

I'm working on "Secret of Chrysopolis" and in spite of spending quite a bit of time in the frog pond, I'm enjoying myself. Clues are published every Friday (my day off!) so this one will progress rather quickly.

The other KAL is "Secret of the Stole" which begins on the 5th.

Of course, there's still much Christmas knitting that also needs to happen, and well, I work. Really. But.... oh, the knitterly goodness!

The other excitement in life is that Rhinebeck is just a couple of weeks away. :::smiles:::: I'm so looking forward to this event. BFF, Connie, will be driving in from the Binghamton area so that we can make strange sounds at the sheep and fondle the fleece and yarn. I have no budget for this at this point... but I'm going anyway!

Such a rebellious life, no?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Le Clap!

It is well.

My heart that is. ;-)

And, my knitting.

In the last couple of days, I've managed to finish off a few projects. Much to my delight, I finished the bag part of the beta project I was working on for a friend. Delight, because the colors on this bag are AWESOME. It was so wonderful to see it all come together. I can't wait to see what happens next!

I also finished clapotis #1. I love the yarn, but wasn't sure how well I liked it pulled together in this way.... until one of my Ladies visited. She modeled it for me, and it was PERFECT. I'm sure it will be well received.

I also finished Betty's fuzzy feet - but got caught up in something while the washing machine was running - and now I have very TINY fuzzy feet. Looks like I'll be knitting something else for Betty. :::sigh:::: Fortunately, I've got more SWS.

Last Saturday I went to a picnic at C's house - and she unloaded some patterns and a skein of Lamb's Pride bulky in an yellow-orange. My plan is to return it to her as a pumpkin. The pumpkin part is finished (felted and everything!) so it's just a matter of doing the stem.

What's next on my needles? Clapotis #2 and the Christmas stockings that were commissioned. I MUST finish these soon. Already they are a bit of a weight hanging in the back of my brain. Oh - and I joined the "Secret of the Stole" so that will be on the needles soon. Oh, and Cherie Amour from the new Knitty. :::grin:::

It never ends. And that's a good thing. ;-)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Tomorrow -

I've been spending a lot of time at the Dr.'s office lately - both for the kiddo and her new tooth (implant) as well as for myself. Waiting room - knitting time, no? ;-)

Tomorrow I go for a nuclear stress test. Prayers, mojo, candles, vibes, whatever are appreciated!

Monday, August 27, 2007

At sea

I feel a bit adrift these days - and usually knitting has served as a good anchor. Work has kicked up to high gear, and there are other non-profits that I'm involved in that are demanding time as well. The body has decided to shoot me a warning (I'm visiting with the cardiologist today) and the spouse and child have left the remains of a good reenacting weekend all over the house.

I look to the day ahead and wonder what to do first.

What I *want* to do is pick up needles and play, what I *have* to do is work on a few press releases and project management of the rather largest sort.

So, I'll do both. I'll work for an hour, and then reward myself with 20 minutes of knitting time. It's less fattening than chocolate, more fulfilling than television... who could ask for more?

Still loving Ravelry - and I'm looking forward to when they open the gates and let the rest of my hoi poloi friends in. ;-)

I've finished MY pair of "Dashing" - in a pretty green yarn that Harmonyfb sent me. I've also started making flowers for "Folly". I think what I'll probably work on today, however, is finishing up the sleeve of Mariah and frogging the work on Pat's bag.

Would that my work projects line up so prettily!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ah, the joys of a knitting group

Last night I went to my third-Wed knitting group down in Metuchen.

Love the group.

It's been a year now - my first meeting was last year in July - and it's always felt cozy. I love the diversity of women (and man, sometimes Alan shows!) and the diversity of their projects. I come back so incredibly inspired that a group like ours can come together a couple of times a month with no real connection other than a love of craft.

It's cool.

I've got to set aside my knitting for a few days and focus on spinning these next few days. BFF and I hope to dye at the end of the month - and if I don't have yarn, it will have to be our toes!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ravelry, etc.

Magic Kitten is our Quality Control Specialist!
I got my invite to Ravelry - so I'm up and running, taking pictures and trying to find projects to put up on the web. The interface is lovely, and it really is THIS knitter's dream.

I'm working on my Horcrux socks, as well as Mariah and a few other projects. Knitting has slowed a bit, in part because I'm trying to spin up a pound of wool (it feels more like a pound of flesh) for a Dye Weekend coming up the end of this month.
I've finally managed to drag out the camera (see above!) so here are a few shots of Finished Objects (Dragon Scarf from Morehouse Merinos and Bobbilicious!):

Monday, July 16, 2007

Whew and Whee!

Just a quick update from the wilds of Tug Hill.

I've been knitting like a fiend on vacation. Spent some time in Utah working on socks (dh took a pic of me knitting at 11,000 feet in the Wasatch mountains!) and the shawl-from-hell.

The past week or so we've been camping, and I've declared this my "get these dang half-finished objects finished" vacation. I've managed to wrap up a bit - pics in the next day or so!

The best news is that I'm doing a beta for a friend. Lovely felted bag pattern which is just the right amount of challenge and repetition for the beach (or the screenhouse!). Again - pics to follow soon!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Posting to put it out there - but also because I really don't want to go back to work. ;-)Inspired by Tricia!

1. I prefer to have several different projects going at once, all in different stages of difficulty and weights of yarn. I obviously have KADD (Knitters Attention Deficit Disorder).

2. My favorite yarn is whatever is next in my queue. Once I start a new project, my net fav yarn is the very next one on the list (ad nauseum)

.3. I love knitting socks for their portability and the technology of them. Whenever I turn a heel (or use a new method of knitting) I marvel at the person who figured it out first.

4. I'm not captured by any one color or colorway. I love knitting with a variety of colors and patterns. Again with the KADD.

5. Although I'm aware of some of the knitting superstars out there, I'm not awed by them. Much. I'm more awed by the little old lady in church who has just begun knitting and has discovered so much about herself in the process.

6. I would love to take a knitting cruise. It wouldn't have to be an organized one - just me, alone on a boat. I guess July will be a knitting land-cruise, eh?

7. My stash is huge, but manageable. I'm obviously still in denial.

8. I love my Knitpicks needles - both the dpns and the Options. :::looks at a certain druid::: Yeah, I know about the length thing, but there's something about how the Knitpicks *feel*. It's the weight of the needle and the super pointy end. Love 'em.

9. I've never been a handbag person. I have a Coach bag that was a castoff from a friend that lasted for years. (Indeed, I'll take it to the shoemaker to get it repaired and likely use it for another few years). My Jordana Paige knitting satchel? :::swoons::: It's the first bag that I feel really *works* with me.

10. Novelty yarns serve a purpose in knitting. I liken them to a spice. A little bit goes a long way and really adds a lot!

11. I keep a knitting blog but don't really read anyone elses with regularity. For me, it is the easiest way of keeping track of what I've done.

12. I'm a bit obsessed with this particular hobby.

13. I knit in public frequently and with great abandon. I don't knit when I'm moderating a meeting - but will knit during a meeting that someone else is moderating as long as it doesn't distract me too much.Let me clarify that. I don't allow the *knitting* to distract me, and not the other way around. ;-)

14. Although I'm on a yarn diet, I think about yarn frequently.

15. My third-Wednesday knitting meeting is akin to sacred time for me. It's MY time and I've put up all sorts of barriers around it.

16. I love learning new techniques. On the list of things to learn: Entrelac, Magic Loop, Toe-up, 2 loops/2 socks, etc.

17. I enjoy cablework and patterning more than colorwork.

18. I'm obsessed. Did I say that already? ;-)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Pomotomus...

Pics at last!

The camera's back home! Wheeee!

Mom's Bebenhausen Windows - in Skye Tweed:

And a infant sweater in Cottontots. I made this a couple of years ago, and was amazed to see just how much my knitting had progressed! (I was almost embarrassed to give it to my cousin as a shower gift!).

Currently, I'm working on a Clapotis in Boutone (pocitos colorway) for Mom, and a pair of Pomotomous in a loverly Australian merino. (And Fuzzy Feet in SWS, and a Skunk wrap for Mom and.... :::grin::: )

I'll be camping the entire month of July, and have already begun working out just what projects to bring. Imagine - weeks of knitting. ;-)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I did manage to finish up Eiffel - at least knitting-wise. I've seamed the thing, but have yet to block it.

In general, I'm pleased. The stitches aren't as even as my usual work, but I think that has much to do with the inflexibility of the hemp. Hopefully blocking and stretching and stuff will help. The Bee likes it, which is what counts.

I made up a version of Vegan Fox using different colors. What can I say? Mom asked for a Skunk. I need to sew a nose on it - and place the eyes, but it's done.

Today on my needles I've got the ever-popular "Lizard Ridge" as well as Pomotomus. The latter gave me a headache at first, but ever-so-slowly we're making amends. I love the pattern. No wonder so many folks work this one up!

I've also got the Christmas stocking project (commissioned) and will do Fuzzy Feet (commissioned) when I can locate all my 10 1/2 dpns! Oh... and I started a Clapotis using the Boutone nb that I picked up before Christmas.

All in all, happy and knitting!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

No pics! ;-(

I managed to leave my camera at the folks' last weekend, so all my lovely pics will need to wait!

Busy, busy month for knitting!

I gave Mom her sweater. I love how the Skye tweed worked up. I think if I were to use it again, I'd make the gauge a little tighter and use it for a cardigan. I can't imagine anything warmer.

My cousin had her baby shower (the reason I was visiting with the folks) and I gave her one of the Cottontots jackets I made. It needed a bit of seaming and blocking, but I finished it in April, so it counts as an object finished in April! ;-)

I've also started work on Christmas stockings that I'm making for a friend. Her grandmother used to make stockings for each new member of the family - and since her grandmother has past, there have been several family members left without. So, I'm doing my first real commissioned knitting! It's intarsia work, which I'm not incredibly fond of, and there are three of 'em, so it makes sense to at least get started now!

And last but not least is my Dd's "Eiffel". I'm at the neck, and will probably have this finished and blocked by Sunday night. It's gone fairly quickly - and although I really would prefer not to do it any time soon - I can imagine myself knitting with hemp again.

I'm behind a block on Lizard Ridge (the goal for this year was two blocks a month), and I've got "Fuzzy Feet" to finish up for another friend, but then I'll be current! What to do, what to do? I've got several projects simply waiting to be cast on, including IK's "Nantucket", but I'm thinking about working on a bunch of small stuff just to reduce the sheer number of objects waiting needles.

We shall see!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Bad blogger. Bad. Bad.

I've been knitting. Honest. In fact, the only day since the beginning of this year that I haven't played with needles - if only for a few minutes - was this past Saturday.

Stuff that's on my needles currently?

A sweater for Mom out of a pretty Skye tweed. I'm using the pattern 'Bebenhausen Windows' from the Celtics and Arans book:

And.... the ever-popular "Lizard Ridge". I've completed several 'squares' in various colorways of Noro:

I'm also working on Eiffel (of fame) out of a cinnamon colored hemp, as well as various and sundry small projects spread hither and yon.

Where the hell IS yon, anyway?

Friday, January 05, 2007

The needlecase is coming along pretty quickly - thanks to a couple of looong meetings where I could happily knit. Hey, someone has to be accomplishing something at these things!

I'm twiddling a bit with Mom's sweater this morning. Knit a little... clean a little.... repeat as needed.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I managed to finish up four of the little caps before shipping them off to the capitol. Of course, having the 2nd declared a Federal holiday (no post!) gave me the additional time to finish them off.

The last couple of days have been spent working on Mom's sweater - Bebenhausen windows from the Celtics and Aran collection - as well as a Berocco pattern for a needle case. It's going well, although the yarn for Mom's sweater isn't my fav. It has a strange stiff feel to it. I hope it softens up with wear, etc.

Pics next time!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Exciting new toy!

The spousal unit got me a sweet little digital camera for Christmas! Squee! How sad is it that the first thing I thought of photographing was my knitting? :-)

Actually, it makes some practical sense. Best-friend asked me how many projects I had completed this year, and I found that I really couldn't answer. There were half a dozen "fuzzy feet", four of "branching out", three "yoricks", a Jayne hat, a sweater (fugly sweater) and several pairs of socks, mittens and knucks.

I really have lost count.

So - for 2007 we start with..... :::::::::::drumroll::::::::::::::::
What is it? Feh. It's an infant hat that will join other infant hats in Save the Children's "Caps for the Capitol" initiative. The due date for sending caps is tomorrow - I had so hoped to send half-a-dozen, but I'm afraid this one will have to do.