The October tally thus far:
3 sweaters
1 pair of socks
Hat, scarf and mitten set
1 hat
Of the above, all were truly UFO's'... with the exception of the fauxhawk hat. ;-)
Chances are good that I'll finish two more projects before the end of this month - a pair of Zilborg mittens that I started this month, and a children's sweater that is another UFO. It's been a good month. I think having a theme has helped with my progressing towards my goals.
November is the month of 50K - words and stitches. Once again I'll be doing both NaNoWriMo as well as NaKniSweMo - focusing on novel writing, and working on a sweater. The NaNo project is "Last Wish" which has been bumping around in my brain for a year. I hope to do a reasonable rough-write, and then pass it on to the daughter for work on narrative (she's great at dialogue!). The NaKni project is a CPH for the bestie in a pretty blue.
And yes, there's also work. The house. The PhD.
Better busy than bored though, right? And if you don't have goals, how do you know if you've arrived when you weren't sure where you were going in the first place?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Finishing for others, part deux
Every year my Women's group sends dozens of hat/scarf/mitten sets to Appalachia. I always try to get at least one set done. Here's this year's contribution. It's made out of Red Heart -which gives me hives - but that is what is required for washability and wear's sake.
I mentioned upstream that I finished Zamora for a knitting friend. In contrast to the Red Heart, she's made of this wonderful feeling silk-based yarn from Noro. The striping doesn't do much for me... but the fabric is lovely.
Yesterday I began prepping Angora (bunneh) for spinning. My wheel is on stage until mid-November, but my hope is to have everything ready to go for when she is returned. The plan is to spin a simple two ply for use inside mittens. Not sure if I'll be able to do any more finishing this month - although I've just cast on for one of the aforementioned Christmas mittens. We'll see!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Finishing for others ;-)
At my monthly knit/crochet group at church, one of the women was obviously distressed by a project she was working on. I had helped her with a few new techniques, but something had gone wrong, and she had gained 5 stitches. She looked at me and said "I know you're busy... but I would be so happy to PAY someone to finish this for me..."
So, it's now on MY needles (she was knitting on 11's, and I moved it down to 8's in order to match her gauge) and I'm finishing it for her. Of course, I won't ask for compensation. This is the sort of thing we do for one another, right? Besides - I know she's got MY back when I'm unable to finish something else. ;-)
The third floor and second floor are almost finished being rearranged/cleaned. I hope to get the rest of it done tomorrow so that it looks perfect for when the daughter comes home tomorrow. Perhaps I'll finish my friend's sweater tomorrow as well. ::smile:::
So, it's now on MY needles (she was knitting on 11's, and I moved it down to 8's in order to match her gauge) and I'm finishing it for her. Of course, I won't ask for compensation. This is the sort of thing we do for one another, right? Besides - I know she's got MY back when I'm unable to finish something else. ;-)
The third floor and second floor are almost finished being rearranged/cleaned. I hope to get the rest of it done tomorrow so that it looks perfect for when the daughter comes home tomorrow. Perhaps I'll finish my friend's sweater tomorrow as well. ::smile:::
Sunday, October 09, 2011
So much done!
Every once in a great while I have one of those days where things get done that really need to get done. Yesterday was incredible! I met with knit friends in the morning, and spent the afternoon hoeing out the daughter's room(s). We rented a steam vacuum cleaner and did the rugs - I spent an hour on the recumbant bike and an hour visiting a parishoner in the hospital. Knitting, cleaning/organizing, exercise, pastoring.... a great day.
Here's hoping today has a bit of the same! ;-)
Here's hoping today has a bit of the same! ;-)
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Today I know I will get nothing finished - there's simply too many meetings and things that need attention. I'll be spending a few hours working on my PhD cohort's summary of Sun Tzu, but in my own mind, that doesn't count. ;-)
This weekend I hope to get much accomplished. I'm setting aside the entire weekend for fall cleaning. The plan is to begin at the top, and work my way down. Everyone loves a huge old Victorian - if they had to clean it, they might change their mind!
The biggest challenge is getting started. Once I'm up and moving (and progress is being made) I should be fine. My gift to myself is a little Sunday afternoon knitting with friends.
The quick finishes are pretty much finished at this point. I have a few small projects that I'll be tying up this month, but there are also a number of Christmas gifts I need to begin (and finish!) as well.
What I finished yesterday: The Wooster Fauxhawk for the daughter; 200 pages of reading.
What I didn't finish yesterday: The dang chutney. I need malt vinegar. ::sigh:: Fortunately, no harm in the tomatoes sitting in the fridge another day.
This weekend I hope to get much accomplished. I'm setting aside the entire weekend for fall cleaning. The plan is to begin at the top, and work my way down. Everyone loves a huge old Victorian - if they had to clean it, they might change their mind!
The biggest challenge is getting started. Once I'm up and moving (and progress is being made) I should be fine. My gift to myself is a little Sunday afternoon knitting with friends.
The quick finishes are pretty much finished at this point. I have a few small projects that I'll be tying up this month, but there are also a number of Christmas gifts I need to begin (and finish!) as well.
What I finished yesterday: The Wooster Fauxhawk for the daughter; 200 pages of reading.
What I didn't finish yesterday: The dang chutney. I need malt vinegar. ::sigh:: Fortunately, no harm in the tomatoes sitting in the fridge another day.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Was at Knit Night last night, finishing up Dad's sweater. Did I mention this was Fall Finishing Month? :::laugh::: Finished last night - wasn't able to post until today:
Today I hope to finish Ella's newest hat - and the green tomato chutney. ;-) I did manage to get through several assignments yesterday, for a total of 275 pgs.
If I'm able to get my Christmas knitting this month, I'm going to try for NaNoWriMo in November. I've tried for three of the last four years, with some limited success. I'm apparently attached at the hip to my laptop for the forseeable future with the PhD program, so maybe in my 'free' time?
Today I hope to finish Ella's newest hat - and the green tomato chutney. ;-) I did manage to get through several assignments yesterday, for a total of 275 pgs.
If I'm able to get my Christmas knitting this month, I'm going to try for NaNoWriMo in November. I've tried for three of the last four years, with some limited success. I'm apparently attached at the hip to my laptop for the forseeable future with the PhD program, so maybe in my 'free' time?
Monday, October 03, 2011
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Fall Finishing
Amidst several challenging changes at work and the wee beginnings of a PhD program, I've decided that October is going to be the month of finishing projects - knitting and otherwise. Today I started to put the garden to bed, and after finishing a paper on Sun Tzu and dinner, I hope to put up some grape pie filling and some green tomato relish. If I've got time, I'll make some peanut butter cookies to send to the girlchild.
In the spirit of finishing... I did finish these:

Today's finishings: Pumpkin socks, SunTzu paper, the garden
Hopeful finishings: Green tomato relish, peanut butter cookies, grape pie filling ;-)
ETA: Finished the cookies and the grape pie filling (2 pies worth!). Opted to make mincemeat instead of relish... and will do that on Monday!
ETA: Finished the cookies and the grape pie filling (2 pies worth!). Opted to make mincemeat instead of relish... and will do that on Monday!
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